This section provides an overview of Quantum Grid.
Quantum Grid
Welcome to Quantum Grid! Quantum Grid is a distributed computing framework. Quantum Grid's software lets you create a server which distributes data and the software for processing that data.
Quantum Grid's software also lets devices connect to the specific server they want to connect with which automatically starts using their processing power to contribute to processing data
Open Source Philosophy
Quantum Grid is proudly open-source! 🎉
Interested in helping Quantum Grid improve? Check out Quantum Grid's GitHub repository to get started! From feature suggestions to bug fixes, all contributions are welcome.
Project Overview
Quantum Grid is an easy way to horizontally scale your computational power. Key features include:
Key Features
Feature | Description |
Easy Horizontal Scaling | Create a server for distributed systems with ease |
MongoDB support | Supports MongoDB for data distribution |
All OS support | Downloadable on all major operating systems: Mac, Linux, and Windows |
Global Data Distribution | Data transferred over HTTP allows for distant connections |
Technology & Libraries
- Express.js v5 - Light framework that allows you to build RESTful APIs.
- Websockets - The server connects to the software using websockets.
- SQLite - Keeping track of
- Logging - There's logs that are in plain text files in the
folder that help keep track of what's going on while the server distributes data. - ejs - Simple web templating system to showcase working and blacklisted devices
- MongoDB - Extracts data in batches from the provided
- Electron v34 - Framework that allows you to build software using JavaScript.
- Electron-Vite-Typescript Template - The template made by Georgi Yordanov gives the ability to use React v19, Typescript, TailWindCSS v4 and ShadCN. It includes hot reloading, typesafe IPC and typesafe events.
- Websockets - The software connects to the server using websockets.
- Next.js v15 - The powerful React framework optimized for production.
- Tailwind CSS v4 - Utility-first styling for quick, clean designs.
- ShadCN - Elegant, accessible components for a polished look.
- next-mdx-remote - Enables MDX support for dynamic, interactive Markdown content.